Root Canal Treatment
There is much misinformation around root canal treatment. Many are afraid of it, thinking that it is a painful dental procedure, which involves hours of drilling and probing.
At Ulladulla Dental Centre, we want to correct that misconception. Read on to learn more about how a root canal treatment can help.
What Is A Root Canal Treatment?
A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that saves a tooth from extraction. It is recommended to address a number of tooth problems particularly those that involve the nerve tissue or pulp.
The procedure is almost painless and at the end of the day, relieves pain and prevents the development of other dental issues.
Why You Need A Root Canal Treatment
Inside your tooth is a soft area containing pulp. This pulp is made up of living material including blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues.
When bacteria attack the enamel and it is left untreated, the damage can go to the pulp infecting and breaking it down. The bacteria then moves to the pulp chamber resulting in a dental abscess.
If left unattended, the dental abscess can spread to other teeth and into the jawbone. Once a dental abscess develops, it will not go away on its own. Severe damage can lead to tooth extraction.
What Are Other Causes Of Damaged Pulp?
The following are other causes that can cause damage to the pulp leading to a need for a root canal treatment.
Repeated dental procedures on a tooth
Poor dental jobs
Cracked or chipped teeth
Large fillings
Trauma to the face
How Do I Know That I Need A Root Canal Treatment?
Only your dentist can properly identify an ideal candidate for a root canal treatment. Should you need one, you teeth may have the following symptoms:
A toothache, particularly when applying pressure on the area
Sensitive teeth
Discoloured teeth
Swollen gums
Dental abscess
Benefits Of Root Canal Treatment
The following are the benefits of root canal treatment:
Saves your tooth from extraction
Stops the infection from spreading
Repairs damaged tooth
Returns your speaking and biting capacity
The Root Canal Procedure
At Ulladulla Dental Centre, our root canal treatment follows a carefully patterned procedure to ensure success and security. During a root canal treatment, your Ulladulla Dental Centre dentist will do the following:
Administer local anaesthesia to numb the area.
Remove the infected pulp and clean the inside of your tooth.
Fill the tooth with a temporary filling, which is removed on the next visit and replaced with a permanent filling.
A crown may be used during the sealing process to protect the tooth from further damage and restore its strength.
Your recovery will be closely monitored by your dentist to ensure success of the procedure.
Optimal Oral Health at Ulladulla Dental Centre
Make your move towards optimal oral health today! Don’t endure the pain. Ulladulla Dental Centre can help!
Call (02) 4412 7877 or visit us at Suite 3/114 Princes Highway Ulladulla
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.